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  • andy 1:22 pm on February 28, 2021 Permalink  

    Billie Holiday at 100 

    Five fine singers — Dee Dee BridgewaterDominique EadeMarissa Nadler, Janice Pendarvis, and Rebecca Sullivan — are guiding us through their favorite Holiday songs: her vocal tricks and the social, emotional resonances of her music. Re-listening with them, we begin to understand and experience not just the Billie Holiday story, but the atmosphere of Harlem streets, nightclubs, and living rooms. We hear an “unflinching” voice and a “sophisticated” new sound in music.

    The greatest jazz singer? The perfect jazz singer? Perhaps the only jazz singer that ever lived.

    Episode link here.

    • andy 1:23 pm on February 28, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Looking forward to listening to this episode!

    • davewiner 7:32 am on March 1, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      I am interested in discussing this podcast and many others.

  • andy 11:05 pm on February 25, 2021 Permalink  

    Write Like the Russians 

    The invitation this hour, or maybe the dream, is to learn how to write short stories with the poignancy and power of the old Russian Masters, and how to become better versions of ourselves in the process. Anton Chekhov is our model writer; the modern American master George Saunders is our model reader and teacher, condensing his famous course for aspiring writers at Syracuse University. The Saunders idea—not quite a promise—is that Dr. Chekhov’s stories expand us morally. Follow his tricks and turns closely enough, and you’ll change your life. It’s something like the thought that just listening to Mozart’s sonatas can make a child smarter. Chekhov’s stories could make grown-ups less lonely, more effective, happier people.

    Episode link here

    • andy 4:27 pm on February 26, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      This is a comment.

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